Wife: Kay Naff
Children: Ginger Floyd and husband Jerrod, Todd Naff and wife Tessa
Year I came to Bertram: 1973
Occupation: Retired Office of the Attorney General and Germania Insurance
Year I became an elder: 1998
Ministries I am closely involved in: Missions, Administration, Prison
Personal dreams for the Bertram Church of Christ: For this congregation to be the Church that Jesus died for. To provide a place of worship where those who desire to do so can worship and praise God in Spirit and in Truth. A place where God is the aim and focus of our worship. For this congregation to be a praying and benevolent people.
Personal interests and hobbies: Family, fishing, camping
Favorite bible verse: Mark 12:29-31
Why: I believe that to “Love the Lord our God” and to “Love our neighbor as ourselves” is the essence of living according to God’s will. I believe living that life is the only life pleasing to God and the way we live a life worthy of our calling (Ephesians 4:1).